Average Diesel MPG – 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel: Can I Get Better Mileage?
The letters ‘MPG’ could be considered a bad word in some circles. Why? Most people who own the 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 with the diesel engine wants it for its pulling power and despises it for the fuel economy. Dodge knows people will buy it as it is a powerful truck and great for work. Luckily, there are a couple devices that may help you keep the truck you love and get better mileage too.
Average MPG
As with any truck, you can’t expect each truck to get the exact same MPG, but for those who own these hard working – hard pulling trucks, they have a good idea what kind of mileage they get.
Below are some average diesel MPG, but keep in mind that different factors are to be taken into account: pulling big loads, size of tires, terrain, mileage, speed, and tune-ups are all things that could make a difference in a mile or two.
2500 Cummins 6-Speed 4×4 – driving this truck on an open flat highway with no load you can get about 14 mpg running around 75 to 80 mph, 16 mpg running steady between 65 to 70 mph, and anything slower than 60 mph your looking at around 20 or more mpg.
04.5 with 50,000 miles on the odometer – with no load it can get around 15 mpg in the city and around 19 to 20 mpg on the highway going 65 to 70 mph.
2004 QCSB 4×2 – on the highway this truck usually runs around 18 to 20 mph and in town it gets around 13 to 15 mpg. Of course, this is unloaded and not pulling.
Have you checked your MPG lately? It is a good idea to check it regularly to see if you are getting the most from your truck as you can get. Don’t forget to keep the tune-ups regular too.
Getting Better Mileage
If you ask any truck owner, they will tell you getting a superchip or a programmer will increase your mpg, but which one is for you?
superchip – this small device can not only save factory settings, but can enhance driveability, economy, and boost power. The superchip also has the ability to program for performance, towing, read and clear diagnostic trouble codes, recalibrate speedometer/odometer for tire and gear swaps, adjust speed and RPM limiters, and is even a data acquisition. Drivers can also use the superchip in the vehicle cab as a hub to communicate with networked accessories like: gauges, supplemental vehicle senors, and dash-mount displays. You can even get other compatible devices for the superchip.
programmer/tuner – several different types of programmers and tuners are available for the 2004 Dodge Ram Diesel, but all are made to get as much energy possible out of your fuel resulting in better miles per gallon. Most of these programmer/tuners are equipped to correct speedometer/odometer, run vehicle diagnostics, ability to change back to stock, internet updatability, cooling fan option, transmission shift points and firmness, and RPM limiter.
Every truck owner has their own unique reasons for wanting better gas mileage or more power. It’s kind of funny to think that some owners wouldn’t dare own a superchip while others would put up a fist fight for theirs. The same goes for the programmers. It’s a crazy world and it’s a good thing there is more than one option.
Which one suits you best?