Maximum Efficiency in Auto Detailing Shops

Maximum Efficiency in Auto Detailing Shops

Many professional car care appearance specialists and auto detailing entrepreneurs ponder the benefits of a detail shop and the costs as opposed to the inexpensive mobile detailing option. One of the nicest things about setting up a fixed shop as opposed to a mobile one is that we can have more types of products available for special uses to insure the finest possible results in our work.

Fixed detail shops also allow us to set up a shop where we can move towards a more efficient platform and workspace. Much has been written on this subject. However the industry leaders have proven the test of time and continually update and innovate and of course we are the greatest recipients of their conquest to build the best possible and most efficient assembly style techniques. Bud Abrams invented a nifty all in one unit which dispenses all the products you use most, such as tire dressings, cleaners, wax, etc.. You may wish to check this out on his website: .

This is just one innovation of the business minded professional detailer. Bud has been the leader Auto Detailing for over 30 years. We know when we have a question Bud, has an answer. As you can might have guessed, in our company we watch the flow of work and make it efficient one perfect example of this is our newest innovation in our Auto Detail Shop Detail Center Lay out where we have things under control. Bud who owns Detail Plus has spent years perfecting the most possible efficiencies in the industry and the greatest achievements in work flow models and shop lay outs and he sells to the industry, his products and knowledge. Bud is the Henry Ford of the Auto Detailing Industry. On his website at you can see the world’s most efficient layout for detailing automobiles. Detail Shop layouts are important indeed, you would be wise to study up on all aspects for maximum efficiency.

Also important is the greater chance for perfection, after you lessen the variables created by an outside environment such as dust particles from wind, wax drying inconsistent rates and rain issues. By using check lists and creating a Six Sigma quality assurance program and concentrating on TQM along with such principles as ISO 9001 type standards in procedures you can literally claim to do a perfect job. Our goal is not to eliminate the artist who is a “Detailer” but to add to this an element of perfection, not readily seen in our industry.

Professional Car Care Specialists should not just limited to Wholesale Detail work for Rent-A-Car Companies, Auto Auctions, Bank Repo Work, New and Used Car Dealerships, but also to such things as add-on after market accessories, chip repair, pin stripping, windshield repair, gold plating and perhaps even spray-in bed liners.

By understanding flow processes in a systematic, quality controlled setting we can insure on maximizing our resources to effectively increase profits and increase productivity. Once this is done add-on services can be added which will not impede your core business. For information on what it means to work in such an environment may we suggest the books; “Finite Capacity Scheduling”

Many people fail to understand how some car care specialists and auto detailing professionals can have all the best equipment, image, pay the best salaries and still charge less? Had they really looked at our operation they would say, why are you charging so much? Being efficient is the smartest thing you can do in business. We believe with economies of scale that franchises typically can deliver and the proper selection in our arsenal of competitive techniques that the game is actually won before it ever starts. When we enter or even many times start a price war, we know we can outlast the competition simply by efficiency. I am not suggesting you go and start a price war; that serves no one in the end. But if another operator in your market starts a price war and you are forced to compete due to a competitors mass mailing of coupons, it will be nice to know you can survive and even thrive in the process.

In the Business of Detailing, which in fact it is a business, the trophy goes to not only the best artist in the field but the most efficient company that can take that level of artistry and refine it into a system of maximum productivity. Without sounding too much like the late Henry Ford, we would like to make one comment. No matter what you thought about his views on other issues, his methodology which was later refined into many different industries is the reason we won W.W.II. It is also the reason Ford Motor Company is one of the longest standing companies in the world today. And thank God it is, without all those cars there would be less automobiles to detail. Please think about what I have said here today. Study your options and improve your flows of work, you’ll be glad you did.