The Life Hammer Vs the Reqme – Auto Escape Tools Compared
Both The Life Hammer and Resqme devices are multi function auto escape tools. They will cut seatbelts and smash side windows in the event that you become trapped in a car. Which is best for your needs? Find out the facts here:
The Life Hammer is a larger hammer like tool that is designed to be permanently stored in you vehicle. It should be fitted in an accessible location that does not ruin the interior design of your vehicle. Suggested locations are in the centre of the car, where both passenger and driver can reach it or down low by the seat and where it is not too obtrusive. It has a luminous dot to help you find it in the dark.
The hammer is best used in situations where stowage is not a problem, such as in a commercial vehicle. The main problem with this device is that is does not look that great in a normal vehicle and at nearly 8 inches long is quite big. The main advantage of this tool is that it protects your hands when smashing glass and has a part specially designed for pushing out shattered glass. It is perhaps better for larger windows but will probably not smash a front windshield unless extreme force is used.
The Resqme is a key chain type device that can be easily carried around, it comes in a range of funky colours such as black, orange or pink so it should not offend younger users too much. It can be effectively found when it is attached to the keys and left in the cars ignition but as it is so small if could easily fly around in a crash if left somewhere loose in the car.
The Resqme is best for situations where the smaller size and maximal portability are required. If for example you have a few different vehicles and you don’t want to fit a life hammer in each you could easily carry this around with you. It also comes highly recommended by para medics and rescue assistants that may need to both cut a seat belt and shatter a car window but have to remain highly mobile. It definitely looks better than the alternative so I suggest it is better as a gift and maybe better for young people. If you are really concerned about seatbelt cutting the blade in the Resqme is a little bit sturdier than in the competition so this is definitely a plus.