Mercedes Benz Parts Satisfy Expectations
Innovation has long been an adage at Mercedes-Benz. The company has always been involved with technological progress in manufacturing safer, cleaner and more efficient vehicles. Mercedes-Benz has always been recognized as the car of people with wealth and recognition. Mercedes Benz was the driving force behind innovations such as the anti-lock braking system (ABS), the airbag, active suspension and ceramic brakes. These improved technologies have saved countless lives.
Ever since the company was established, all Mercedes Benz cars manufactured and carrying the Mercedes symbol was known for their high quality. In December 1900, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) supplied a client named Emil Jellinek with the world’s first Mercedes-brand motor vehicle which followed the name of Jellinek’s daughter, Mercédes. From the early stages, Mercedes Benz vehicles have set standards in quality, in technology and in luxury. Nowadays, Mercedes is one of the world’s most successful premium-quality automotive brands, with some 6.4 million customers having about 9.5 million Mercedes-Benz passenger cars. In 1900, the annual production of DMG was just 96 vehicles, made almost completely by hand through a workforce of 344 people. In 1913, assembly lines paved the way for volume production at lower costs and, from the time when Jellinek’s first ordered in 1900, Mercedes-Benz has built a total of 19 million passenger vehicles. For the first time in 1999, the company sold over a million passenger cars in one year.
The majority of Mercedes Benz parts are made by the original equipment manufacturers parts (OEM parts). Packed performance, distinct style and design are reflected not just in every model but in all Mercedes Benz parts as well. All Mercedes Benz car parts can be used not only for Mercedes models but also for various car makes. But still, the right specifications and features of the car must be the highest concern in picking the right product.
There are many options of Mercedes Benz parts and accessories in the market, from deluxe to sporty car makes and extraordinary car parts. Innovations organized by Mercedes are shown not only in their own models but in almost all car make in the big business.
At Mercedes-Benz, customer needs are always handled efficiently. The company provides parts from headlamp to rotors and many more, whatever the customer calls for. Aside from the style, look and design, the quality of Mercedes-Benz parts are always not taken for granted.